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We have already talked about mobile app development and how popular mobile applications are nowadays. What has changed in the past couple of months are numbers. Let’s sum it up.
There are about 8 million apps in the Google Play store, 2.2 million in the Apple App Store, 669K in the Windows Store, and 600K in the Amazon App Store, according to Since mobile applications are being an integral part of our life nowadays, those numbers are only expected to continue growing. There has been a tremendous and continuous growth in the mobile app market so here are some hot trends to follow in order to meet the market demands.
1. Focusing on security issues
There has been a huge push towards security and it has been a top priority for the past couple of years now. 73% of popular free apps on Android and 53% of popular free apps on Apple iOS had been hacked. As a growing number of people use mobile devices to access personal data, mobile app security is both a trend and a bare necessity. To secure data within the application against malware and other forms of criminal access – there are various steps to be taken:
avoiding taps vulnerabilities or bugs, detecting compromised and vulnerable run-time environment, controlling the execution of high-risk mobile transactions and similar.
2. Mobile payments
Digital wallets, cryptocurrency apps, mobile commerce apps, and peer-to-peer payment platforms. As more and more users are turning to their mobile phones to make daily payments, mobile payments are being a trend which is implementing across the world in 2018. Today, payments became a key ingredient of mobile strategies. With that in mind, implementing mobile payments to your app should mean balancing security, ease of use and all the regulations that are being changed on a regular basis.
3. Accelerated Mobile Pages
As the project developed by Google for its mobile web search result, AMP allows web pages to load quickly from search engine from your mobile. Fastest page loading and easy content placement, all resulting in more visitors and more user engagement – AMP definitely revolutionized the approach to mobile application development.
As technology continues to evolve, the mobile app landscape is rapidly changing and keeping up with the trends will only increase your odds of releasing a successful mobile app. Security, mobile payments and AMP – those top three smarts trends to consider.